We want to sincerely Welcome all our new ACX Members
and give a big "well done" to the ACX Members who are
sharing this amazing program.
EMG Conference Call--
The EMG Conference Call last Friday was perhaps the
best call ever. Not only was there a record crowd of
enthusiastic members in the room, the content of the
message was very exciting. A renewed confidence is
permeating among the entire membership.
Here's the link to this last call:
Media Xpress Launch--
Although a launch date has not been announced, Kent
and Victor shared with the members that we are just
days away from launching what we believe will be an
incredible, new income stream for ACX Members.
Sharing the ACX systems with new prospects who like
viewing videos, photos, and listening to music in order
to earn daily commissions will be well received. This
program is going to appeal to a much greater audience,
and it's going to be a fun activity for everyone.
New Options for Withdrawals--
Perhaps the most well received news was the unveiling
of a withdrawal option coming soon that won't require the
use of the Green Light system. Because the current
withdrawal system is not working adequately for ALL
members, the ACX Executive Team is working on a new
system that will allow members who use primarily
SolidTrust Pay and Payza to bypass the Green Light
system. There will be some necessary adjustments to
withdrawal limits, but members will be able to access
funds on their time schedule and not just when a green
light appears. We anticipate more information being
presented very soon.
A Restoration Initiative--
Being able to help members who haven't been able to
recoup their initial cash outlay (out-of-pocket) has been
a matter of concern for the ACX Executive Team since
the launch of ACX. Acquiring Profit Clicking (PC) and
Click Paid (CP) members, along with the money they
earned in those companies, is a liability ACX agreed to.
The current system of allowing limited access to PC and
CP funds is working quite well. But we still have a large
number of members who need a gentle nudge to
re-engage. So we are working on a plan that will give
members an option of exchanging a percentage of their
PC and CP Wallet balances for ACX Ad Packs. These
new Ad Packs will begin to earn Daily Commissions, and
members will be able to withdraw the earnings, OR they
will be able to start building their financial dreams by
purchasing more Ad Packs. We certainly encourage that
The goal of this Restoration Initiative is to help members
become "whole" again by earning back their original cash
outlay. In doing this, we believe inactive members will
re-engage, and leaders will be able to reach out to members
who have given up. ACX is doing what we can to help
everyone, while still protecting the future of ACX. We want
this great advertising system to last forever, so we will
manage it in a way that is best for members, which is always
what is best for the company.
New Pay Processors--
Victor mentioned that an excellent and very modern Payment
Processor will be coming onboard within just another 1-2
days. We'll announce which one soon, but rest assured that
it will help ACX Members manage their finances dramatically.
Wait for more news coming out soon.
Maximize Gift Cards--
Kent shared his experience with using ACX Gift Cards as a way
to pay for goods and services that he recently incurred. Sharing
the ACX system with anyone and everyone has the potential to
turn them into a referral. If you have Daily Earnings available, try
sharing ACX with someone you have to pay, and encourage them
to take a Gift Card from you as partial payment. This does two
things. First, it gets access to your money instantly, without having
to withdraw it. And second, it gives you a ripe prospect who will
likely join the company as your referral. You never know who is
going to become the next big star at ACX, so talk to everybody.
We are really excited about the upgrades and changes that are
coming to ACX. Everything we do at ACX is predicated on doing
what is right for the company, which means it is the right thing for
all the members as well. We are building a strong company that
will service the financial dreams of our members.
Doing the Right Activities--
Members may get tired of hearing us talk about buying Ad Packs
and Panels and sharing the ACX system with friends, family and
associates, but we'll never stop encouraging the Right Activities
that will help you reach your goals. We know why you are here,
and we know how to help you make more money. It is simple.
Do the activities that create the most income.
- Buy as many Ad Packs and Panels as you can afford (and soon
Media Packs)
- Share the amazing opportunities with everyone you know, and
everyone you don't know. Show them the ACX calculator and
they'll convince themselves.
- Use the Gift Card Widget and share just a little of your earnings.
People can't resist responding to a financial gift.
That's all it takes. It's not hard work, and all the tools you need are
on your Dashboard. It's simple, and it is the Best of the Best in
online programs.
Here's to a fantastic future with ACX! Now, go have a great Weekend!
ACX Executive Team
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